Volume 5 Number 2 July 1995
Optimal Design of Experiments
ptimal designs for binary response experiments with two design variables----------- ---------------------------------------------------- Sitter, R. R. and Torsney, B. 405 On efficient designing of nonlinear experiments------Chaudhuri, P. and Mykland, P. A. 421 D-optimal designs for polynomial regression without an intercept-------------------- --------------------------------- Huang, M. -N. L. , Chang, F. -C. and Wong, W. K. 441 Optimal designs for polynomial regression when the degree is not known-------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Dette, H. and Studden, W. J. 459 Exact Elfving-minimax designs for quadratic regression---- Krafft, O. and Schaefe, M. 475 Optimal regression designs under random block-effects models ---------- Cheng, C. -S. 485 Designing for minimally dependent observations------- Torsney, B. and Alahmadi, A. M. 499 On E-optimal fractions of symmetric and asymmetric factorials ---------- Mukerjee, R. 515 Optimal non-binary, variance balanced designs ----------- Morgan, J. P. and Uddin, N. 535 Optimal block designs with minimal and nearly minimal number of units-------------- ------------------------------------------------ Dey, A. , Shah, K. R. and Das, A. 547 Two-level fractional factorials and Bayesian prediction---------------------------- -------------------------------- Mitchell, T. J. , Morris, M. D. and Ylvisaker, D. 559 Contingently and virtually balanced incomplete block designs and their efficiencies under various optimality criteria--- Hedayat, A. S. , Stufken, J. and Zhang, W. G. 575 Approximate information matrices for estimating a given set of contrasts----------- ------------------------ Kao, L. -J. , Yates, P. K. , Lewis, S. M. and Dean, A. M. 593 Optimality aspects of Agrawal's designs: part II ----- Heiligers, B. and Sinha, B. K. 599 Efficient block designs in the presence of trends---------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Jacroux, M. , Majumdar, D. and Shah, K. R. 605
High Dimensional Data Analysis
A study of the method of principal Hessian direction for analysis of data from designed experiments ----------------------------------------- Cheng, C. -S. and Li, K. -C. 617 Generalized regression trees------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------ Chaudhuri, P. , Lo, W. -D. , LOh. W. -Y. and Yang, C. -C. 641 Binary regressors in dimension reduction models: A new look at treatment comparisons --------------------------------------------------- Carroll, R. J. and Li, K. -C. 667 Graphics for studying net effects of regression predictors -------------- Cook, R. D. 689 Smoothing spline density estimation: Conditional distribution ---------------- Gu, C. 709 Asymptotics of sliced inverse regression ------------------ Zhu, L. -X. and Ng, K. W. 727 An adaptive expansion method for regression ----------------------------- LeBlanc, M. 737
Poisson approximation for unbounded functions i: independent summands------------- ---------------------------------- Barbour, A. D. , Chen, L. H. Y. and Choi, K. P. 749 A test of quasi-independence in ordinal triangular contingency tables------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Tsai,M.-T. and Sen, P. K. 767 On posterior credible sets based on the score statistic-- Rao, C. R. and Mukerjee, R. 781 Group sequential methods for survival data using partial likelihood score processes with covariate adjustment ------------------------------------ Gu, M. and Ying, Z. 793 A unified approach to capability indices ------------------------------- Vännman, K. 805